Emanuel Kant Tomb and BaltExpoCenter
are invisible from here

No, of course the dogs exhibition was not held in the cathedral but in BaltExpoCenter. But at the day of its opening the weather for Cathedral photographing was so good that it was very hard to withstand not to do it. And for the people who like to orient on the place I can tell that BaltExpoCenter is located right in front of the cathedral.

This dog does not know he will be a champion

This exhibition was held for the first time at this place but it was not avoided either by dogs either visitors. Dogs were everywhere - on the rings, special boxes, corridors and in muzzles.

Time to have some rest after before lunch combing

And if the dog's masters were ready to discuss to infinity the chances of their pets the pets were keeping silence all the time if they were not barking on the neighbours - competition participants.

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