Chair of the Commercial Fisheries

The Chair of the Commercial Fisheries of the KSTU - Kaliningrad State Technical University is one of the founders of fisheries study and specialists training in Russia. It was created in 1930 by Professor F.I. Baranov, who initiated scientific approach to commercial fisheries and for a long time was at the head of the Chair. Now it plays the leading role in the Russian Association of the Commercial Fisheries Chairs.

By now the Chair has trained more than 3000 commercial fisheries engineers for enterprises and companies in Russia and CIS, as well as for a number of European, Asian, African and Latin American countries.

Currently the Chair provides courses for preparation of specialists on two levels. After successful finishing of the 4-year course a graduate receives a degree of a Bachelor of Science. It can be followed by 1.5-year course for obtaining a National Diploma and a qualification of an engineer, specialised in one of the following directions:

Alternatively, the first stage of studies can be followed by the 2-year course for obtaining a degree of a Master of Science.

The Commercial Fisheries Chair also provides post-graduate courses and doctorate. Kaliningrad State Technical University has its own Board, certified for granting the degree of a Doctor of Technical Science in the speciality "Commercial Fisheries".

The Commercial Fisheries Chair conducts research work in the following spheres:

Within the framework of the Commercial Fisheries Chair there is a CAD Laboratory

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