MS Internet Explorer Tuning

Software program Microsoft Internet Explorer is a WWW client, which in last days becomes to contest leadership from Netscape Navigator. On distribution increasing of these program the following things are influencing: enclosed second Internet Explorer version to Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. But in present times there is no ready (non-test) version of Internet Explorer which could be compareble with Netscape Navigator.

In this document you will find how to tune Microsoft Internet Explorer to work with its help with our WWW server.

Q:While connecting to your WWW server Russian characters are not displayed properly. I have Windows 95 and Internety Explorer from Plus software package. Is there anything you can say what to do to solve the problem?
A:Enclosed Explorer from Windows 95 could not be tuned for Russian language. It is necessary to take its secong version from our FTP (1-st part and 2-nd part).

© Oleg Duletsky,
Viacheslav Mamontov - interpreter
EType Co