Netscape Navigator Tuning

Netscape Navigator program allows to work with WWW which is widely broadcasted for work in Internet. This program is most broadcasted than other software of such type because it is technically perfect and it has reasonable circulating conditions.

In this document you will find the description of how to tune it and what should be done to work with our Server. The description is based on scheme question - answer.

Q:How to establish work with your server cash proxy?
A:For doing this you should choose the following menu positions Options/Network Preference, and in appeared dialog box click on a proxy option. Now choose the item Manual proxy configuration (the dot should appear near it) and click the button View located near. The next dialog will appear. Inside it choose the HTTP Proxy line and fill the it with In located near field Port in this line put the value 3128.
Q:How to tune Netscape Navigator, to make your server conferences available?
A:You should do the following- in Netscape Navigator menu choose Options/Mail and News preference. In this dialog choose the Servers item. And fill the next fields there:
  • Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server should consist
  • Incoming Mail (POP) Server should consist
  • Pop User Name Here you should put you name, which you are getting from service administrator while registration.
  • News (NNTP) server should consist

Then in this dialog choose the Identity item. And fill the next fields there:

  • Your Name should consist Your name in English
  • Your Email should consist Your E-mail address
  • Reply-to Address should consist Your E-mail address
  • Your Organization should consist Your organization name
Q:Why do I see part of Russian WWW pages normally and part of them are chaotic characters?
A:Probably you were dialing with WWW pages in KOI-8 encoding. To read such pages you need to have true type fonts in KOI-8 encoding.
  • Only after you will receive them from our FTP server.
  • install them in Windows.
  • After that it is possible to install them in Netscape Navigator. To do that in its menu choose Options item, after that in appeared submenu choose General Preference. As the result the dialog box will appear, choose the Fonts item.
  • In field For the Encoding install Latin2.
  • In front of Use the Proportional Font click the button Choose Font. In appeared dialog choose the KOI-8 font. For example, ER Arial KOI-8. Then leave the dialog.
  • In front of Use the Fixed Font click the button Choose Font. ER FixedKOI-8. Then leave the dialog.

Now when you will visit the KOI-8 page it will be enough to choose Options/ Document Encoding/ Central European item and you will see readable text. For restoring the normal encoding choose the item Options/Document Encoding/ Western (Latin1).