Etype Company The Banner Network.

Our Location Coordinates
addresses, telephones, faxes, modems, personnel, company communication equipment

this program was created by Andrey Cherezov. It allows to connect whole local network to Internet using only one modem and telephone line. The program combines in itself Internet Mail Server (POP3, SMTP), News Server (NNTP), Proxy Server (proxy), Socks Server and other interesting features...

program created by Alexander Gorlach is the best dialing program with Russian interface, and according to national character of Russian users the program is made freeware.

Our FTP server
on our server you can find a lot of software which can help you to work in the Net

News Groups
only news groups koenig.* are wide accessible. The rest of news groups are accessible only for our subscribers.
Monems & Lines
telephone numbers, number of modems installed their names.

Conditions and Prices
conditions for subscribing etc.

our clients list (only the clients who wished to be announced). The list id devided by the activity application spheres.

The most popular sites
the list of most popular for our subscribers sites for last 24 hours.

Operational Statistics System (in Russian)
using this page you will be able to view you financial state which you use to pay for the Internet access through EType service. To do so you need to input your mail domain (if your e-mail address so you should input dog). The same password as for mail access is necessary to be set.


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© 1998, Oleg Duletsky,
Viacheslav Mamontov
«E T Y P E Internet Server»