Conditions and Prices

[e-mail] ~ [internet]
[special subscription] ~ [special night subscription]
[constant connection]
All prices are given without taking VAT into account:


First Connection $15
first connection gives you the e-mail address of your organization (domain), which can serve  the whole organization. Besides that you receive instructions on how   to set up the Windows software properly.
Minimal month payment $5
it is impossible to pay less than $5 per month. this means if your month traffic will cost less than 5$ you still will have to pay 5$. If your month traffic will cost 5$, so you will pay it. And if your month traffic will cost higher than 5$ you will pay the sum only of your month traffic.
1MByte across Russia $20
pay attention that traffic includes sent and received mail.
1MByte of sent and received mail out side Russia $20
pay attention that traffic includes sent and received mail.
1MByte of E-Mail for EType subscribers $4
meaning the mail going through EType server.
1MByte from EType FTP-mail server (file order from FTP by mail) $2
if you were dealing with slow servers and you still need to download some files from them that the proposed service is for You. Using this service you can order necessary files and our server will download it.
Free of charge
mail receiving across Kaliningrad Region
NNTP news reading

Working in Internet

the main feature of it - you pay only for the time on-line.That means independently how many Mbytes you downloaded from FTP and WWW the price you pay for the Internet service will not be affected by that, so you pay only for the time you were on-line.

Payments for time on-line:
$3 per hour at day time 800 - 2000
$2.5 per hour at evening time 2000 - 2400   for the working days
800 - 2400 for weekend days and holidays
$2 per hour at the night time 2400 - 800

Special subscription

If your traffic cost went above the  $50 per month, then Special Subscription will make it possible to significantly increase the on-line time you spend in the Net. Special Subscription includes:
unlimited value of sent and received mail using SMTP/pop3 protocols $12
16 hours at the day time for working days, 800 - 2000 $2.37 per hour
18 hours at the evening time, for working days, 2000 - 2400
and for the weekend days and holidays 800 - 2400
$2.11 per hour
20 hours at the night time 0000 - 800 $1.9 per hour


any combination for on-line time.
You you will spend more than mentioned on-line time limits you will pay for the on-line time above the limits according to lower prices for the Internet service:
at the day time, for working days, 800 - 2000 $1.5 per hour
at the evening time, for working days, 2000 - 2400
and for the weekend days and holidays 800 - 2400
$1.3 per hour
at the night time (0000 - 800) $1.0 per hour

To use the presented Special Subscription you should E-mail to EType Internet Administrator and he will make it working.

Special Night Subscription

Special Night Subscription costs $50 per month. It allows to work without any limits at the night time (0200 - 800). Besides that you will be able to send and receive unlimited amount of mail using SMTP/POP3 protocols

To use the presented Special Subscription you should E-mail to EType Internet Administrator  and he will make it working.

Constant Connection

First Connection
To connect to anisochronous port with the connection Baud Rate from 9.6 to 115.2 Kbits/sec without the modem $200
To connect to anisochronous port with the connection Baud Rate from 9.6 to 115.2 Kbits/sec with the modem ZyXEL U1496+ $450
To connect to anisochronous port with the connection Baud Rate from 9.6 to 115.2 Kbits/sec with the modem Motorola 3266S $850
To connect to telephone line (constant connection, 24 hours per day)without paying for the on-line time $300
Subscription payments
At the connection with Baud Rate less than 9.6 Kbit/sec using the anisochronous port
$300 per month
At the connection with Baud Rate less than 19.2 Kbit/sec using the anisochronous port
$500 per month
At the connection with Baud Rate less than 38.4 Kbit/sec using the anisochronous port
$750 per month
At the connection with Baud Rate less than 64 Kbit/sec using the anisochronous port
$1000 per month
At the connection with Baud Rate less than 128 Kbit/sec using the anisochronous port
$1800 per month
Radio Frequency Lease at the connection with Baud Rate 2Mbit using the radio channel
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© 1998, Oleg Duletsky,
Viacheslav Mamontov
«E T Y P E Internet Server»