Quake - so long awaited came out!

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So it happened, so long awaited Quake - Doom follower came out.

Quake is idSoftware product, is using the advantages of last series processors to give you realism which is unreachable for other games. This so long awaited Doom follower uses profound game engine which provides 6 freedom degrees of motion, presenting a monsters by multiangular form and texture filling.

Playing Quake as using mouse as keyboard it is possible to view as fluent motion as furious. It is necessary to look to all direction cause the enemy can appear from anyone.

You will meet with lava, thorns and falling ceilings, you can have not enough oxygen to breathe floating under water. All objects now are not boundered in their up and down directions.

As an armor you will be able to have shotguns, double shotguns rockets and bazookas. The three deathwatch levels will be proposed to your pleasure.

Game became much better by net support quality. For example, you can join and leave running game.

This shareware-version propose first from four episodes. All the rest will be available only after (sorry) you will pay the money and register.

Quake rogueries a floating point in processor and 8Mbytes of RAM when having 16 Mb of RAM recommended. Shareware version rogueries 30Mbytes of disk space. And comfortable configuration means Pentium and 16bit Sound Blaster.


486DX or better, Pentium, 8Mbytes of RAM, and DOS 5.x

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