Allready History...
(news some time ago)

We propose to your attention the links which were considered as a news before they happen to appear here.

Internet20.1.98: USR Courier v.34 modem owners can update their BIOS. One of the ways (it is shown
by the modem command ATI7) for US/Canada 25Mhz, US/Canada 20Mhz, European 
Èãðà23.12.97: Kaliningrad "Vangers" from K-D Lab the whole world will see...
Baltic News Service23.1.98: BNS: "Titanic" Premiere in Kaliningrad
Internet23.1.98: Netscape plans are to make Communicator freeware
Internet22.1.98: Microsoft introduced Internet Explorer 4.0 & Outlook Express for Windows 3.1 & Windows NT 3.51
Software22.1.98: Corel Draw 8.0 Review
Internet21.1.98: The hacker was convicted in court for unauthorized access to E-mail server on Sohalin island
Internet20.1.98: Intel will introduce in this month Pentium II 333MHz
Internet20.1.98: Intel will present in 1999 Katmai - processor with new MMX commands
Internet19.1.98: "My Dog" encyclopaedia can be found on Animals in Russia server: data around 400 breeds, more than 500 pictures, detailed descriptions. Also there ZooShop - free pet sales adds
Internet16.1.98: 5th number of Internet magazine
Software13.1.98:  Microsoft is developing Windows CE 3.0: - perhaps, it will be more convenient for notebooks than Windows 95
Software13.1.98:  Microsoft launched SQL Server 7.0 Beta: TeraByte Data Bases support, Windows 95 compatible, taking decision support system
Æåëåçî9.1.98:  Microsoft announced computer standards for Palm PC (size of notebook, handwritten entering, e-mail, voice recording) and Auto PC (size of car tape player, only vocal entering-conclusion, work with data radio-channels)
Èãðà9.1.98: Russian translation of Quake Bible
Software9.1.98:  MouseTool (570KBytes) - it is possible to work with mouse without pressing on its buttons!
Ñåòü7.1.98: Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary
Æåëåçî6.1.98: Review - wheel mouses or NetMouses
Æåëåçî6.1.98:  Intel plans to release Pentium II 333 MHz at January and cut prices (P II-266 on 20%)
Ðàçíîå5.1.98: NASA is in preparations to launch Lunar Prospector: creating a fool Moon map and searching water on it
Koenig31.12.97: New year's gifts from Etype company
  * from 000 to 2359 on 1th of January functioning (working) in Internet for our clients will be free
  * started one more (471718) serial telephone number (5 lines). To connect us became easier!
  * news (Koenig News) of our node is possible to read using channels MS IE 4.0
Koenig26.12.97: Koenigsberg - history pages is the most informational for this moment site about the history of our city
Èãðà25.12.97: Source texts of Doom are published by ID Software
Baltic News Service25.12.97: "Saint family" Rafael will be in Kaliningrad on cristmas
Internet24.12.97: 4th Internet and me in it with lauding of Front Page 98
Internet23.12.97: One more reference service computers and staff on prices - Profy
Soft23.12.97: ListSOFT: good reviews on software

12.12.97: Quake II was introduced & cheat-codes to it also

12.12.97: the next beta (build 1650.7)of Microsoft Windows 98 was released

12.12.97: New version of EDialer - 1.10 the best dialier became better

10.12.97: Animals in Russia: evrything about pets and about animals in Russia.

6.10.97: New Quick Time 3.0 beta: viewer/plug-in (5MBytes) is introducted

5.10.97: Quake II will be releazed at 9th of December

5.12.97: McAfee (famous anti virus software developer) bought PGP (not less famous decode software maker)

5.12.97: To make the connection with our provider maximum efficient it necessary to set up the work with on port 3128

3.12.97: New version of (98a beta) Mirabilis ICQ (1.6Mbytes). Before installation don;t forget to save the friends UIN list (directory DB)

3.12.97: New Microsoft Internet Exlplorer-à 4.01 is introduced: with the mistakes solved, more efficient

2.12.97: Install new Microsoft Internet Exlplorer-à 4.0 straight from our server. After taking the ie4setup.exe file /400KBytes/, run it - all the rest with all of the settings will be done automatically

30.11.97: Arj 2.60 (351Kbytes):long filenames support, file versions support, damage protection etc.

29.11.97: Dogs exhibition Amber Autumn-97

27.11.97: Cirrus Logic is planning to introduce the graphic adapter+modem+sound chip

26.11.97: The virus appeared which lives on Macàõ, PowerMacàõ, DOS, Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT.

25.11.97: Russian version of Microsoft Internet Exlplorer-à 4.0 for Win 95 (26Mbytes)

25.11.97: Search engine with ability to ask questions on natural language (russian one)

Baltic News Service24.11.97: New Kaliningrad Vodka

22.11.97: The future is unpredictible- stereo-taktile mouses

21.10.97: Banking information and reference system: even in Russia the banks are going to serve using the Internet

21.11.97:Update the virus description file  (1.2Mbytes) for McAfee VirusScan!

20.11.97: Domain address reference quide

20.11.97: Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 will not be introduced in the first half of 1998

19.11.97: Microsoft Outlook 98 beta 1 is introduced - all in one - e-mail, calendar, integration with MS Office

19.11.97: By the efforts of Pfofit Company Garant server - laws, customs, civil etc. was opened

19.11.97: Java will soon become ISO-Standard

19.11.97: Microsoft introduced Hydra beta 1- server for Windows-terminals

18.11.97: Russian version of Microsoft Internet Exlplorer-à 4.0 (minimal - 11Mbytes, standard - 15Mbytes, full 25Mbytes)

16.11.97: The student newspaper Baranova 43 on our server

15.11.97: The trends and perspectives of Intel chipsets and processors production

14.11.97: Seagate announced SCSI-Hard Drive Elite 47 of 47Gbytes of capasity, for $2995

13.11.97: IBM announced IDE-Hard Drives Deskstar 16GP of 16Gbytes volume

13.10.97: To work in Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 Pentium Pro 200 and 64Mbytes of RAM will be enough

12.11.97: New Netscape Communicator 4.04 version (17Mbytes)

11.11.97: Details about the mistake (approved by Intel) in Pentium and Pentium MMX: from CNet and Dmitry Zavalishin

9.11.97: Economics and Life: daily economics and law news

9.11.97: Motorola carries out the reseaches of new memory type - ferroelectric RAM (FRAM): low energy level, keeping the data up to 10 years without power supply, 4 times faster then modern memory

9.11.97: Mistake is found in Pentium & Pentium MMX

8.11.97: NetMedic (1Mbyte) amazing program for connection quality control.

6.11.97:  Microsoft releazed the Internet Explorer 4.0 preview for MS Windows 3.1 & UNIX

6.11.97: Intel will introduce chiper PentiumII (without L2 cash)

5.11.97: Internets - huge themed reference cataloge for net resources and Data Bases

5.11.97:EDialer is strongly recommended - the best dialer for Win 95 & OSR2 using a few telephone lines. Fully in Russian. Free Made in Etype!

4.11.97: Exlusive collection of Russian MIDI on Mickael Kuzmenkov pages

4.11.97: When connecting to oue server using the radio canal up to 1.1.98 there will be no additional payment

4.11.97: On our service provider a Night access $50 - work without time limitsbetween 200 and 800

2.11.97: By the efforts of DeepWorld & Etype enthuziasts QuakeWorld server is opened now

31.10.97: Samsung made 700MHz Alpha processor

29.10.97: Into a new Cirix processor- MediaGX - DVD support will be istalled

28.10.97: Intel reduces the prices for Pentium II (300Mhz: from $851 to $738, 266MHz: from $669 to $530, 233MHz: from $530 to $401) and Pentium MMX - (166MHz: to $112 from $145, 233MHz  to $300 from $386)

28.10.97: In Microsoft Excel the mistake was found- recounting is carried out not for each time

Baltic News Service28.10.97: BNS: ship to Denmark & bus to Prague

28.10.97: Intel bought from DEC chip making facilities (including Alpha) for $700 Million

28.10.97: In Meeting Place - exulisive materials about America

27.10.97: upgrade for Adobe PhotoShop 4.0.1 users who work on Pentium MMX will allow them to work 5 times faster

21.10.97: Quake II (Test version, Win 95, 11Mbytes)

21.10.97:  Microsoft introduced securify fix for Internet Explorer 4.0 (for Win 95 & NT )

Baltic News Service21.10.97: BNS: Salmonella desise explotion

20.10.97: New WinRar 2.02

18.10.97: In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 security defect was found

17.10.97: Sun is going to sue Microsoft in the court for breaking the licence of Java

17.10.97: Mirabilis introduces the new version of (1.113) ICQ (1.4Mbytes) for Windows NT

17.10.97: Sun introduces microJava 701 - the second Java chip. This one is able to run C and C++

16.10.97: AMD will release K6-3D (300 & 350 MHz, 3D-graphics, MPEG-2, AC-2 sound) and K7 - (for Pentium II socket /Slot 1/, 100MHz on wires, AGP-support)

16.10.97: Intel is proposing to introducein 1999 new Merced (P7, 64-bit)

15.10.97: New CuteFTP 2.0 (32-bit, 16-bit - 800Kbytes, 500Kbytes)

15.10.97: "Mummiy Trol" in Kaliningrad- interview

15.10.97: Maxtor started the production of IDE Hard drives series DiamondMax 2160 with the volumes up to 8.4Gbytes

Baltic News Service15.10.97: BNS: Dockers endless strike - celary of about 3,5Ìillion roubles!

14.10.97: Hexen II (Demo, Win 95, 12Mbytes)

14.10.97: New (1.20.016) Arvid program version (Windows 95, NT 4.0 - 2Mbytes /1-st, 2-nd parts/)

10.10.97: Jedi Knight from Lucas Arts - Star Wars continuation (Win 95, 20Mbytes, DirectX 5.0 is required /Russian, English/)

Baltic News Service10.10.97: BNS: âçðûâ äîìà â ×åðíÿõîâñêå

9.10.97: Update virus description file for McAfee VirusScan!

9.10.97:AVP antivirus server: virus enciclopedy, computer microbiology news, AVP test versions (for DOS, Windows 3,11, Windows 95, OS/2, virus base)

9.10.97: New chip production technology from IBM

9.10.97: AMD reduces the prices for K6

9.10.97: Beatifull photomaterials links collection - Valentin Galkin Photogallery

8.10.97: Sun says, that MSIE 4.0 is imcopartable with Java DK 1.1

8.10.97: Newspaper Meeting place materials updates

7.10.97: New Far v1.50b (467KBytes)

6.10.97: Global Internet Group: how to buy stuff with and without credit cards

5.10.97: ASUS introduces P2L97: motherboard with AGP support, 440LX chipset, ATX-type

4.10.97: Illustreated enciclopedic reference book'98 is about to be releazed

4.10.97: For all the people who wants to transfer files from Kaliningrad - MS Internet Explorer 4.0 for NT, for Windows 95 (22Mbytes)

Baltic News Service2.10.97: BNS: Kaliningrad will receive $2 billion dollars $

2.10.97: Book shelf: 200 fiction literature authors, 1200 files with science fiction and all on-line

1.10.97: MS Internet Explorer 4.0 is introduced

30.9.97: 3Dfx goes: Diamond Monster 3D, Matrox m 3D, Orchid Righteous 3D

30.9.97: Microsoft introduces Windows NT 4.0 Enterprice - support to 8 processors, clusters, Application memory up to 3 Gbytes

29.9.97: Vangers (Demo, Win 95/NT 20Mbytes):Game of amazing beauty of Kaliningrad team KDLab

26.9.97: Read the 2nd Internet and of course me in it smile.gif (607 bytes)

26.9.97: Quake II preview

26.9.97:Anti monopolious investigation was started concerning Intel

25.9.97: Kaliningrad Zoo Internet server was opened

24.9.97: Update virus description file for McAfee VirusScan!

24.9.97: Russian and former Soviet Union countries Enterprises catalogue

24.9.97: Iomega announced Jaz 2- Doubled volume (2GB), 40% efficiency grow, 512Kbytes cash,   $549

23.9.97: Microsoft releazes 1st official beta of Windows NT 5.0

23.9.97: Rockwell is going to releaze Straight Java programs release ship

Baltic News Service22.9.97: BNS: Roubing customs taxes

20.9.97: Fujitsu announced 43 and 25 inch displays

20.9.97: PhotoWeb - âñ¸ î ôîòîàïïàðàòàõ, âñ¸ ïî-ðóññêè

19.9.97: Hewlett-Packard releazes new scanner PhotoSmart Photo Scanner - with resolution up to 2400 dpi, by the price $499

19.9.97: Russian search-engine Aport

18.9.97: Photoprinters review

Baltic News Service17.9.97: BNS: "Amber" will strike

15.9.97: Microsoft lates Windows 98 releaze on 2nd quarter of 1998

15.9.97: Borland began to sell JBuilder

15.9.97: Kodak releazes new digital camera DC210

Baltic News Service15.9.97: BNS: the water in home will be only from sea

14.9.97: Noviy Nabludatel newspaper on our server from now on!

13.9.97: Worms 2 - playable demo  (Win95, 6.6Mbytes)

13.9.97: Windows NT 5.0 sells will begin in 2nd quarter of 1998

Baltic News Service13.9.97: BNS: Prepare your passports for exchange!

12.9.97: Netscape launches Netscape Navigator 4.03 (full 16.3Mbytes, compact 8.5Mbytes)

11.9.97: Nikita releazes Parkan (shootings+strategy+RPG) - the best national game

11.9.97: in PGP 5.0 some serious mistake was found.... and spelled

11.9.97: On our server- Automarket newpaper!

10.9.97: Corel is in stage of preparation to releaze Draw 8

9.9.97: Microsoft launches 128-bit decode program, to use which 20 banks agreed

9.9.97: America Online ie preparing tp buy CompuServe

8.9.97: 20GBites on optics per $600 - to the beginning to the next year

6.9.97: Mistake in MS Internet Explorer 4.0 - Your files can be deleted

5.9.97: Hexen II - playable Demo (12.2MBites)

5.9.97: Microsoft Windows NT Routing with Routing and Remote Access (5.5ÌÁàéò) - CISCÎ program realization

5.9.97: Afganistan War server

5.9.97:Novell is loosing the benefit


4.9.97: The trip from Kaliningrad to Trakay


2.9.97: Western Digital releazes Caviar HDD of 6.4GBites

2.8.97: The prices for Internet on-line time exciding are reduced for 50$ preliminary payment


1.9.97: Cyrix calls back the 6x86/200 processors

30.8.97: Hard'n'Soft: CD reviews, newcomer ASUSTeK, Artec scanners, ...

30.8.97: IOMega will releaze ZipPlus - same 100Mbytes diskettes, speed will grow on 40%, size will decrease, operation with printer port and SCSI

29.8.97: Hi-Fi: reviews, catalogue, producers

29.8.97: Motor N8: auto-news, auto-dream, auto-read


28.8.97: Monitor youcan dream of - NEC MultiSync LCD2000

28.8.97: IBM presents a new version Data Base Management System DB2

28.8.97: Intel quited the production of non MMX-processors


26.8.97: MapQuest - the road of whole world even of our KALININGRAD REGION!

26.8.97: BlueBird - nexy operational system from IBM

26.8.97: Intel announced 440LX chipset - Pentium II support, graphic AGP bus, UltraDMA (33 MBps) HDD support

26.8.97: Don't you wait for the problems - update virus description for McAfee VirusScan now!

26.8.97: McAfee wants from Symantec $1 billion $ for aspersion

26.8.97: Historical weapons - not only to look but to buy

24.8.97: Netscape Communicator 4.02  (16Mbytes), includes push-receiving client of Netcaster

23.8.97: What is 3Dfx who and with wjat eats it


23.8.97: Road penaltiea are reduced!


19.8.97: Price-Express - information about the computer and apparatus prices

19.8.97: Intel announced PertiumPro 200MHz with 1MB integrated cash ($2675)

19.8.97: Russian version of server Ziff-Davis

Baltic News Service18.8.97: BNS: GERMAN FIGHTER PLANES ABOVE THE CITY, ...

18.8.97: Strimmer on 70GB is released

17.8.97: Meeting place N8 or search for thr reductor

17.8.97: Indecisive Bot - artificial player or professional level for Quake deathmatch.

16.8.97: Net War - and comments to it made by Anton Nosik

16.8.97: Pager messages sendings... to Moscow and Petersburg

15.8.97: What are the threat of new roubles to normal people? - Yuri Zeleny article

15.8.97: MAIL DECODER- letters unscribing in not known to science codes

15.8.97: In the end of 1998 new 400MHz Pentium II is expecting for us

15.8.97: Never in life the laser printer was not so cheap- HP LJ 6Lse $399, Okidata OL600e $299, Panasonic KX-P6500 $349. smile.gif (607 bytes)

14.8.97:Netscape Netcaster is released- news push-delivery client

13.8.97: monthly application to the net - Internet magazine

Baltic News Service13.8.97: BNS: EXPLOTION IN KALININGRAD, ...

12.8.97: compact (783K), multiwindows browzer Opera 2.1

Baltic News Service12.8.97: BNS: Plates above the Kaliningrad, ...

12.8.97: 556 million visits of Mars Pathfinder server

12.8.97: Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple.

9.8.97: Special for our region weather broadcast

8.8.97: Fly schedule updated

8.8.97: What to do if your friend happened to be on the West without money- Yuri Zeleny article

7.8.97: Reaper Bot - artificial players for Quake deathmatch. Tune and play with a company

6.8.97: Foreign currency buy tax!? - our reporter Yuri Zeleny article

6.8.97: Diskeeper (disk defragmenter) will be included in MS Windows NT 5.0

5.8.97: BeOS for PC realised

5.8.97: Microsoft & Netscape agreed about VRML

4.8.97: New models of PowerPC

3.8.97: RussiChat - one more chat-server. But ....!

3.8.97: ICQ - irc + mail + file transfer. Strongly recommended my UIN 2316215

2.8.97: Borland released JBuilder - the area for creating 100% Java-sofyware

2.8.97: Master Rifle Magazine

31.7.97: Toshiden (Demo, DOS, 4.5Mbytes)

31.7.97: Bus cshedule updated

29.7.97: AMD after Intel reduces the processor prices: K6/233 from $469 to $290, K6/200 from $349 to $189, K6/166 ñ $244 äî $109

29.7.97: National Semiconductor intends to buy Cyrix, but Intel - Chips and Technologies

26.7.97: AMD ïðîåêòèðóåò K7: âíóòðåííÿ ñêîðîñòü äî 300MHz, âíåøíÿÿ äî 100MHz

25.7.97: page about search engines in the net

25.7.97: The next edition of Computerra was released

24.7.97: Microsoft is planning to release the first beta Windows NT 5.0in September

24.7.97: CuteFTP-work with our server optimisation

24.7.97: Fly game X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter from LucasArts (Demo, only for Windows 95, 6Mbytes)

23.7.97: DCT-On-Line Trading System

23.7.97: Apple wants to buy a president

23.7.97: NEC offers Windows CE 64-bit processor only for $30

22.7.97: Auto-design: concept cars, serial models, other servers devoted to that theme

22.7.97: Intel will reduce the prices in November on Pentium down 18%

21.7.97: Economical strategy Gazillionaire Deluxe Shareware from LavaMind (5Mbytes)

21.7.97: McAfee (antivirus software elaborator) opened the server in Russia. It is recommended to see for updating your knowlege about viruses

20.7.97: During this week DirectX 5.0 is expected to be released (game graphics support in MS Windows)

20.7.97: Betrayal in Antara - RPG from Sierra On-Line (Demo, 1st part 11Mbutes, 2nd part 15Mbytes)

18.7.97: Saint-Petersburg Tax police - take part in investigation or take a look at its personnel kids pictures competition

18.7.97: Price on printers reduction: Epson Stylus Color 400 $199, HP DeskJet 400L $149, Lexmark Model 1000 Color Jetprinter - $139, Canon BJC-250 $179

18.7.97: Fallen Haven startegy from Interactive Magic (Demo only for Windows 95, 4.8Mbytes)

17.7.97: After Compaq IBM & HP are decreasing the prices on PC

17.7.97: Intel reduces from 1 of August the Pentium II 300MHz prices more that 50% (up $830)

17.7.97: Telephone guide book of Saint-Petersburg

17.7.97: îThe next vertion of famous strategy game WarLords 3 (Demo, 12.5Mbytes)

16.7.97: Microsoft makes friendship with hackers - as a continuation of server violent access?

16.7.97: X-COM: Apocalypse from Microprose is released

16.7.97: Master of Orion II upgrade äî v1.31 from Microprose (Demo, 3.4Mbytes)

15.7.97: NetDictionary - Internet terms dictionary

15.7.97: Terracide from Eidos Interactive (Demo, only for Windows 95, 9Mbytes)

14.7.97: Far v1.4beta had been released

14.7.97: OutPost 2 from Sierra On-Line (Demo, 9Mbytes)

14.7.97: Summerized chanels power of Demos has achieved 4Mbods

13.7.97: upgrade KKnD up to v1.1 (Demo, 1.4Mbytes)

13.7.97: Russian collection RealAudio-songs

12.7.97: Extreme Assault from Blue Byte (Demo, 12MBytes)

12.7.97:BNS News: Same as in Hong Kong, In region goverment some significant changes happened,"Yantar" shipyard builds up a new cargo vessel.

11.7.97: Drive faster, shoot accuratly - Carmageddon (Demo, 16MBytes)

11.7.97: Aircraft holiday in Chkalovsk: òîëüêî âîäêà, TU-22, Be-12, openning, all the flags, red berets, run up, off the ground, almost landing. "Russian sweetnesses" chopper-saver" fight-shows.

7.7.97: IBM grants to Ermitage $1,6M for digital images library organization and WWW server development.

6.7.97: New Music - daily magazine on Russian for Russians. News, CD, Top Story

5.7.97: Mars Pathfinder on Mars

5.7.97: ORT chanel server was significantly updated.

5.7.97: Meeting place - next update.

3.7.97: BNS News: Ukrainian ambasador was rubbed,Kaliningrad also will celebrate the Lithuanian state aniversary, Sweden can improve visa servise for Kaliningrad citizens, ...

3.7.97: Ask Jeeves - search server, where you ask questions using the natural language (English of course).

2.7.97: Kaliningrad in Rock-97: Fire is better than "let's Fire", No man's land, Kolibry, Guitars and Jeans, well trampled meta.

2.7.97:On monday Microsoft server was violently accessed by hackers for the second time..

2.7.97: The prices on 16Mb DRAM had falled for 10%.

29.6.97: Milparade - SU-37, KA-52, Be-200 and other gifts of Russian Land.

28.6.97: Wimbledon Tournament server opened.

28.6.97: Compaq & Tandem signed Confluence Agreement.

28.6.97: WeekEnd - video, audio, games.

27.6.97: Microsoft obtained the right for 128bit (SSL & TLS) decoding software export.

27.6.97: Microsoft claimed, Memphis beta 1 will be released next week.

26.6.97: Usual material updates in youth newspaper Meeting Place.

26.6.97: How to create your own page in the net? Read about it in CompuTerra(1, 2). And dont't you forget that we are placing personal pages on our server for free!

26.6.97: Globus Tourist Agensy.

25.6.97: Are the figures of Bank Baltica true? Read the Price Waterhouse conclution

25.6.97: Nice materials about dogs.

24.6.97: Chasm - shooting game a-la Quake made in Ukraine (demo, 6Mb)

24.6.97: 3d ServicePack for Russian Windows NT 4.0 (17Mb) was released

24.6.97: Train schedule was updated (near city & far directions).

24.6.97: PainKeep - wonderful upgrade for Quake DeathMatch players (11Mb)

22.6.97: id Software had announced Quake2

21.6.97: We are carrying out User Quiz, so You have a great opportunity to give us F, bette A...

20.6.97: Kaliningrad Youth Newspaper Meeting Place.

19.6.97: Andrey Pisarevsky - press conference of Time Mashine Band in Kaliningrad.

19.6.97: Dark Colony (demo, 11Ìb) real time strategy from SSI. Under Windows 95 & Windows NT 4.0 (SP3).

18.6.97: The second exhiBit - on-line magazine. Mini vehicles, Koenigsberg legends and the book "Scenic suite..."

17.6.97: Magazine Expert - Russian Companies Reputation Rate, the biggest Russian Companies, the biggest banks in Russia.

16.6.97: 80Gb Technical documentation from IBM and its WEB Library

15.6.97: Iteresting places of FoxPro with resources from Maxim Sherbakov.

15.6.97: IBM & Quantum announced IDE HHD of 8.4 Gb volume (Deskstar 8 $675, Fireball SE)

13.6.97: Intel reduced the prices to50% on MMX-processors. So Pentium MMX-166MHz now costs $138 (instead of $265)

12.6.97: A Netscape Communicator 4.0 commercial version raleazed (as for NT 4.0 & Windows 95 /15 Mb/, for Windows 3.11 /17 Mb/).

10.6.97: Read about Jurasic Park continuation in Movie News.

10.6.97:Read and watch Baltic Fleet Festival Closing.

9.6.97: Bank Baltica presented Currency ratings on-line - information includes 30 Currencies ratings from 1993.

8.6.97: MathSoft released MathCAD 7.0.

8.6.97: Tax Code Project on Consultant+ server.

7.6.97: Read and watch Baltic Fleet Festival Openning.

6.6.97: Had you seen our server in the Russian Providers List (page 40) in 19th release of Compu-Terra?

6.6.97: Personal pages of Zubovich Dmitry. Especially I liked a marine bends catalogue.

4.6.97: Fresh release of Connect magazine

3.6.97: Alexander Peskov's Pirate News - information about CD.

3.6.97: Netscape Communicator 4.0 Preview Release 5 (16Ìb) had released.

2.6.97: 7000 Software serial numbers.

31.5.97: Cyrix released 6x86MX (Pentium II analog). Approximate price of it $190 for 166MHz processors.

30.5.97: Bipropex+ Game of Kaliningrad Team K-D Lab positivelly moves to the top of the chart of PC Games Charts. Vote for it!

29.5.97: Gorodok is not only having e-mail, but it also answer on letters addressed to it!

29.5.97: Materials about Aquarium Band.

3.5.97: Good MS Windows 95 Software Collection.

3.5.97: Alexey Sigalov second edition of Internet Yellow Pages.

9.4.97: Russian Quake Club.

26.4.97: Arvid for Win95 & WinNT v4.0 new version (1-st, 2-nd parts).

24.4.97: AltaVista speaks Russian.

24.4.97: ComTek'97 Exhibition photoreport.

24.4.97: X-Com III (Apocalipsis) Demo from Microprose is now available from our server (35Ibytes).

24.4.97: Russian Central Bank Internet Server.

24.4.97: Astrological prognosyss from Radio-101

23.4.97: You can get it for free (free CD, video etc. send by a different firms) in Internet.

19.3.97: We had launched Quake-server for 256 players. Read how to play (in Russian).

16.3.97: If you are using MS Internet Explorer, then for shore You should take update for it.

15.3.97: Weekly Movies news.

15.3.97: Senoval (Culture news from Sergey Kuznetsov).

15.3.97: Automobiles in Russia: shop, catalogues, directories.

15.3.97: Autopilot on-line - automobile magazine for driving people.

12.3.97: "100 dreams" of New Observer - exhibition invitation.

11.3.97: Literature pages of local sciense fiction fans.

9.3.97: Net society digest Cross.

18.1.97: TomCat - trains, underground and anecdotes of St.-Petersburg.

16.1.97: New iShare 2.0 version (and documentation for it)- software for Internet access for the whole net using only one modem. Read about iShare tunings.

15.1.97: Who is who in Kaliningrad musik (only in Windows code)

15.1.97: AMD Company had announced AMD-K5(TM)-PR166 prosessor. this one is analoge of Pentium-166, will be presented by significantly lower price than prices of P-166 now.

14.1.97: What is cashying proxy or how to establish the networking?

13.1.97: TV program for a week

13.1.97: Internet Traesuries reference source was updated - Russia and close countries.

12.1.97: Brinanian Columbia - forests, animals, birds, fish, flowers.

10.1.97: Interesting materials about NAVY Ships and planes

1.1.97: Our Internet service provider cash size was increased to 300 Mbytes/ If you will tune your Netscape Navigator or MS Internet Explorer onto proxy, then your operation in the net will become significantly faster.

31.12.96: Net humor - Roma Voronezhsky

30.12.96: You haven't seen us in Internet Yellow pages?

28.12.96: Prtty interesting event on Russian Web - Paravozov News.

24.12.96: Seems like Netscape comes to be first in browser drive again - Communicator tm preview was produced by it. Take and check it (full, compact versions).

22.12.96: Service Pack 2 for MS Windows NT 4.0 came out.

21.12.96: Take a look at soccer pages from Andrey Morozov.

18.12.96: In a very first time the- Inok firm had presented fast and free Free Economic Zone "Yantar" Law and rulings Data Base access.

14.12.96: Take look at Evgeny Selivanov Personal pages, aspecially on Churlenis Pictures Tale.

14.12.96: From 14.12.96 to 20.12.96 Public treasuries obligations quotations free access was opened on time while the currency sales on Moscow Interregional exchange.

13.12.96: A new proxy server with 150 Mbytes of cash was installed on our Internet Center. If you will tune your Netscape Navigator or MS Internet Explorer onto proxy, you operation in the net will become significantly faster.

12.12.96: Western Digital announced new Hard disk of EIDE standard of 4 Mbytes volume. Its production will start at the beginning of 1997.

10.12.96: EType Company reduced Net on-line work at night to 2 $ per hour (100 - 600) prices.

10.12.96: Take look at Experimental aircraft photo archive.

8.12.96: You have local net, but only one whose mashine ie equiped with modem can operate with Internet, well you need to have iShare, read about how to tune it properly.

5.12.96: A Bank Baltica WWW-server was opened.

2.12.96: MS Internet Explorer v3.0 for Widows 3.11. If you are working in a MS Windows 3.11, then you should take it for sure.

30.11.96: Russian happy satelite dish owners can read WWW pages about satelite television (first and second).

27.11.96: Beatiful musik Tunes WWW servergives an opportunity not only to read about the musik you are interested but to hear it.

25.10.96: Tha pages devoted to Russian Aircraft were found.

20.10.96: So long awaighted version of PkZip-v2,5. had become available, the 16 and 32-bit versions appear. Amoung the new features - comfortable interface, long file names as in Windows95 as in WindowsNT support.

20.10.96: New on-line magazine Cosmopolitan appeared.

16.10.96: The rar creator - Evgeny Roshal had done a new program Far - analogous toNorton Comander, but for Windows95 and WindowsNT. It has long file names support, net resources support,task manager support etc.

10.10.96: The firm Maxtor had annonced new HHDs of DiamondMaxTM with EIDE interface and of 5.1Gbutes volume. These HHDs will become widely available in the end of this year.

9.10.96: iaeiiao-oi ii ianoiyuaio ?aoaia i?iaeaia ?aaiou n oaenaie a Windows NT - auoea beta aa?ney Delrina Win Fax for Windows NT. ?eoaeoa i yoii.So long awaited fax under Windows NT solution had already found the version of Delrina Win Fax for Windows NT is available. Read about it.

2.10.96: The first Service Pack for Windows 4.0. came out

29.10.96: if your an Arvid owner (information archive keeper on video tapes) you should be interested with new version of this program for working with it under Windows 95 and Windows NT (1and 2 parts).

27.10.96: A new non0commersial Etype Company project had run - the free non-graphical Internet access.

24.10.96: The theatre season bad began in Kaliningrad Reagional Drama Theatre.

23.10.96: A WWW-server of KSTU - Kaliningrad State Technical University had open (former KTI - Kaliningrad Technical Institute).

22.10.96: New Pentium-compatible prosessor of AMD firm AMD-K5-PR133 had announced, which operates with efficiency not less than Pentium-133.

18.10.96: If you are techno musik fan , you should check the server Moskow Dance.

10.10.96: An St-Petersburg painter Aushra exhibition had opened on our server which was carryied out in Mednis Gallery.

6.10.96: 9 additional entrance lines become to work on our server on serial number 341000.

5.10.96: A super cumputer father Seymour Krey had died.

3.10.96: If you are for the first time in the net. You should refer to the pages How ti begin?

2.10.96: A Russian version of MS Internet Explorer v3.0. came out. Take it nfrom our FTP server.

30.9.96: A Organizations and Firms list server by our Internet service provider came out.

20.9.96: From 19th to 21th of September an exhibition "Telecommunications. Baltica-96". Read the materials about it.

18.9.96: Queen fans can find a lot of interesting materials on Dmitry Ivanov pages.

17.9.96: In the next month AMD Inc is planning to present the new prosessor K5 (Pentium analog) variants with frequencies of 120MHz, 133MHz and 150MHz. So it is possible to expect the Pentium prosessor prices reduction.

4.9.96: And if you are working with our server in Windows 95, YOu extremelly need to have BobConnect. It will allow you to call using several telephone lines.

28.8.96: Numerous users of 1C Bookkeeping are visiting the 1N pages.

27.8.96: From this moment to know the weather forecast is possible from our weather page.

23.8.96: The final version of main Ineternet viewer program Netscape Navigator v3.0 came out. Don't foreget to take it!

19.8.96: The final version of MS Internet Explorer v3.0 ae Windows 95 came out.

16.8.96: On-line shop had opened. YOu can buy the best in the city modems and software withou leaving your sit place!

7.8.96: Netscape Navigator v3.0 beta 6 layed onto our FTP.

6.8.96: Netscape Navigator v3.0 beta 6 came out. it will be layed on our FTP soon.

5.8.96: Kaliningrad Region Bank list became available on our server.

1.8.96: The official version of Windows NT 4.0 Server e Workstation came out.

31.7.96: A serios mistake in MS Explorer 3.0 beta2 had found.The instalation of it could cause the problems in your operational system.

29.7.96: Seems our city has the second namesake - crater on Marse!

28.7.96: New Microsoft Internet Exlorer v3.0 beta 2 came out. The version as for Windows 95,as for Windows NT 4.0 are available..

22.7.96: What is WWW? Read the details in the work of Okraintsev K.F. called WWW Introduction don't you foreget to choose the KOI-8 code before you will begin.

21.7.96: An official Web server Atlanta Olympic Games had opened.

18.7.96: What to visit in the net is possible to know after visiting the 100 hot Web servers place.

17.7.96: A beatiful on-line newspaper version "Inostranets"

15.7.96: To transport information the Kaliningrad Airport flight information is added.

12.7.96: The creation of Kaliningrad Firms list started. Take a look on it and if your firm is not in there Acaeyieoa ia iaai e anee Aaoae oe?iu a i?i iao, clamour to place it in the list!

5.7.96: Do you know what is good in Forth programing language. If not, then one of its specialist Andrey Cherezov on his personal pages.

29.6.96: Have you took Quake new version from our ftp?

28.6.96: Demos launched straight channel of 2Mbodes to USA. Now, for example, it is better to visit Microsoft straightly cause the speed will be higher, not through Swedish mirror.

27.6.96: QUAKE - Doom follower came out. Read about it, Take iT aai!

23.6.96: An extention for Microsoft Internet Explorer v3.0 appeared, which allows to work with java-applications on WWW pages.

20.6.96: If you need to find something on Russain WWW servers you can use PAUK search systen. Try as a test to find something on a Kaliningrad keyword!

14.6.96: Visit the Koenigsberg photo-exhibition- photos of 20-30th of XX century..

13.6.96: Does the clock on your computer always fail? To shore in it for 100% just set the time with the help of program Atom Time 95. Thie program synchronizes the clock on your computer by an etalon atom time clock in Geneva.

6.5.96: Would you like to be a WWW-pages author? Take the best program for it Microsoft FrontPage from us and get know the conditions.

30.5.96: Company Mega Pro et Contra page appeared, which is known by its computer and soft prices reviews. See the copmuter prices, office equipment, home electronic stuff on it.

23.5.96: WWW Nover servers had opened in Russia, First server in Mockow, Second in St-Petersburg.

19.5.96: Arvid owners can obtain new mathematics versions from FTP-support. Amoung news - beta-2 for Windows 95.

17.3.96: Microsoft-mirror were significantly extended on FTP suNet. This allows to get this company products with much higher speed in comarison with american FTP.

© Oleg Duletsky,
Viacheslav Mamontov - interpreter
EType Co